RE:Lens is our plug-in product solution for lens conversions, projections and stabilization for 360 VR and fisheye footage.

No charge to upgrade but please read on for compatibility info.

RE:Lens features:

  • Stabilize 360 VR and fisheye footage directly, with easy-to-use workflow!
  • Capture with your fisheye or super fisheye lens and then convert to normal “rectilinear” projection for output, eliminating the need to watch curved images.
  • 360 (LatLong) to 2D conversion: Convert your 360 panoramic VR video to normal 2D, with options to edit and animate your point of view within the LatLong video.
  • Convert super fisheye clips to a 360 panoramic video in a single step without the need for stitching software.

Learn more about RE:Lens.

Projects made with previous versions of RE:Lens will generally not be compatible with version 1.5. If you made projects you should make a backup of the old version of the plug-in set (plug-in location info). Never fear! The previous version is also available for download (download previous version) in case you do not backup. Note that if all you did was stabilize footage and didn’t apply any user-controlled rotational changes, then your old projects will continue to be compatible.

Why should you upgrade?

  • Fixed a problem where animating the rotations after stabilizing footage could cause shaky results.
  • Made tracking 15% faster in many cases.
  • Made the meaning of rotations more consistent among the plug-ins.


  • RE:Lens Defish : Removes the “Maintain Ratio” setting because it is not useful anymore (handled internally by software).
  • RE:Lens Superfish: Fixes a bug where the Orientation angles setup was not consistent with other plug-ins in RE:Lens. Results in 1.5 will be completely different than previous versions of RE:Lens.
  • RE:Lens Superfish : Fixes a bug where Orientation settings used in combination with Stabilization could give incorrect and shaky results.
  • RE:Lens ToLatLong: Fixes a bug where selecting Fisheye Equidistant produced Fisheye Equisolid results, and vice-versa
  • RE:Lens ToLatLong: Fixes a bug where rotation angles used with stabilization was incorrect and could give shaky, incorrect results when LatLong source was used.
  • RE:Lens ToLatLong: Fixes a bug where Fisheye sources (all 3 types) gave incorrect and shaky results when rotation angles were used with stabilization
  • RE:Lens ToLatLong,FromLatLong,Superfish: Fixes a bug when tracking for stabilization is performed a second time that the keyframes for the Stab Mode setting were added to, instead of replaced.
  • RE:Lens FromLatLong: Interaction now follows your mouse position so you can place interactively the projected view in the mode that allows you to see where you are projecting in LatLong
  • RE:Lens To and From LatLong: When sandwiching (on and off) these two plugins to create an intermediate flat view to for example paint, the 3 rotation angles of FromLatLong are now the opposite (negative) of ToLatLong, to be consistent.
  • All plugins: Latitude is no longer clamped to –90 to 90.
  • RE:Lens ToLatLong: Fixes Edge Antialiasing when going form Flat to LatLong.
  • RE:Lens Defish: Fixes a problem where edge anti-aliasing was not performing correctly.
  • RE:Lens Defish: Fixes mip-mapping smoothing issues with images that had transparent areas.
  • RE:Lens Superfish: Fixes mip-mapping smoothing issues with images that had transparent areas.
  • RE:Lens ToLatLong: Fixes a problem where Export UV, in 16 bpc, could be wrong.

Download the upgrade here